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The HRnetGroup has been a leader in the HR consulting industry. Today, our operations span 8 offices in Asia Pacific (Singapore - HQ, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Japan and Thailand) with 850 full-time industry-specific consultants of 14 nationalities. Our business as a Strategic Search companies, we support over 300 MNCs that have critically relied on our search methodology for talents to meet their critical business needs.
a Multilingual software localization company headquartered in Taiwan with office in Hong Kong, Beijing and London.
Brecknell Willis is a world leader in electrified rail transport and has been involved with electrification systems for over 100 years. The company has grown with the expansion of electrified transport systems, from the earliest days of streetcars and the trolleybus to modern-day metro systems. Brecknell Willis and the Fandstan Group take a world view. We have a long association with major worldwide transportation projects in the Americas, to East Asia and Australia. Brecknell Willis established a regional office in Taipei, Taiwan to oversee the installation of conductor rail systems and current collectors for the Taipei Rapid Transit System (TRTS) network. We are presently working on our fifth conductor rail project in Taipei. In addition, the Taiwan office provides sales, contract and technical support, plus localised equipment manufacture for other contracts in the region; including Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Delhi, Vancouver and Taiwan.
公司成立於1992年~目前營業額約2億/年~專營不織布製造銷售~在桃園設有工廠~外銷市場佔總營業額8成。 Taiwan Spunlace (group) Co; Ltd. is the leading professional spunlace manufacturer in Taiwan. With the spirit of achieving the best, we have jointly formed a group of skilled electronic construction engineers, process technicians, product related sales engineers, and planners with substantial knowledge a variety of first-grade quality products. Our perfectly synchronized automated production line and flawless selling system enable us to ensure that the production and marketing functions complement each other. Most of our founder members have experience with non-woven industry or equipment over than 30 years, and they are all the pioneers for spunlacing industry in Taiwan. In1994 we successfully developed the first hydro-entanglement production line, and till now we had set up totally 9 lines in Asia already. These years we concentrated all our spirit on developing hydro-entanglement technology and continuously acquire experience from practical operation. These precious experiences are the key-points to improve and develop the new technology on our production line. Now we had achieved a great success on machine’s performance, stability and capacity. With 250~300 tons high quality output per month, our worldwide customers are distributed in Japan, Korea, America, France, England, Denmark, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, India, Israel, Hong Kong…..etc.
強調浪漫歐風與自然休閒的西湖渡假村位在中山高三義交流道旁,一進門映入眼簾的是美麗的林相和浪漫的歐式花園,造型優雅的人體雕像、生動活躍的人工噴泉以及數萬株千紅萬紫的花卉,四季如春,營造出浪漫悠閒的氣氛,讓人完全遺忘了五十公尺外的車水馬龍,每年四五月間的油桐花季節,落花繽紛如雪,更讓西湖渡假村成為遊客賞花的熱門景點。 連續十八年榮獲交通部觀光局評鑑為「特優等遊樂區」的西湖渡假村,園區佔地60公頃,園內除了有凡爾賽花園、香草咖啡館、18洞迷你高爾夫、木雕藝術區、森林烤肉區、登山步道、名人表演廣場、恐龍化石館、靈山洞祈福隧道、原野樂園及觀湖樓等,最特別的是西湖渡假村還擁有亞洲唯一的懷舊卡通尋夢園,包含「小英的故事」、「湯姆歷險記」、「綠野仙蹤」、「小浣熊」、「龍龍與忠狗」、「清秀佳人」等經典懷舊卡通的真實場景,都一一在這裡呈現,彷彿帶領遊客進入卡通的世界。 除了遊樂園之外,西湖渡假村還有座落在森林內以歐式洋房為建築風格的西湖溫泉渡假飯店、仿荷蘭式榖倉挑高設計的森林小木屋,渡假飯店內有溫泉SPA、卡啦OK、中西式餐廳等設施,四周環境幽然怡人,清晨的露珠與霧氣飄散林間,鳥語花香造就出令人難忘的自然情境,讓人輕易就能享受到無比的輕鬆與悠閒。 來到西湖渡假村,遊客不可錯過的景點就是園區旁一座足以媲美杭州西湖的天然湖泊-「西湖」,面積廣達10公頃的「西湖」,四周群山環繞,湖面波光粼粼,生態豐富,風景十分秀麗,來到這裡就給人一種心曠神怡的感覺,另外週邊的三義木雕博物館、勝興車站、龍騰斷橋、鯉魚潭水庫等名勝,也相當值得遊客一探究竟。 西湖渡假村除了現有的遊憩項目,全國第一座結合渡假園區的「聖恩西湖養生會館」也在九十四年十月十五日正式落成啟用,除了擁有園區豐富多元化景觀與休閒設施外,養生會館並具備五星級規模,包括迎賓大廰、休閒咖啡室、運動健身房、芳療SPA、閱覽室、電腦室、餐廳、卡啦OK…等10多項公共設施,讓住客能體會遠離塵囂的悠閒,享受休閒養生的渡假生活
公司已有25年歷史,主要產品為製造寵物相關用品100%外銷歐/美/日本/加拿大/澳洲為主,工廠設於上海市閔行區及浙江省嘉善縣,每年業績達美金/USD1.5千萬以上,獨資企業。 We are pet product manufacturer in the Far-East has 800 employees, two production factories locate in Shanghai/China also business branch office operation spread in Colorado(USA)/Bangkok (Thailand)/Hong Kong, Taiwan offices in both Taipei/Taichun to develop new product by our Topet team work etc.
本公司位於苓雅區中興街159號,近市區,交通方便,富朝氣,再加上優良之管理階層,期待你的加入。 INTRODUCTION §Established Time: CHIN SHENG: July, 1968. WELL FROM: September, 1988. §Background: At the initial time, the majorities of our businesses are focused on importing and exporting Agricultural Industrial products. Gradually, we served as agent and distributor of Chemicals Industrial products of several countries. After the medium time, due to the rising of petrochemical industry and electronic industry, we became the agent which specialized in importing chemicals, especially the special and minute Chemicals for the demamd of Electronic Motor industry. At present, we are the agents of Chemicals Oils manufactured by Dow, Henkel, Autol and Wynn Oil Company, Whitmore. §Employees: 16 persons. §Average Qualifications Of Employees: over 6 years. §Products: Industrial chemicals, lubricants, oil Treatment and High-tech electronic chemicals. Lubricants and chemicals for Automobile. §Market Area: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China. §Future Plans: 1. to keep importing and developing high-tech chemicals to supply the demands of Taiwan’s industry. 2. Trying to extend the market share in Taiwan and Mainland China.
隨著國際化的腳步日趨快速,台灣廠商及個人赴海外投資之情形也日益增多,然而法令多變性與整體經濟情勢的不穩定,都使台商蒙受許多無謂的損失;因此,更突顯出赴外投資事前規劃及掌握相關投資法令的重要性,無論在投資環境、法律規範分析評估以及財務、稅務規劃上,都務求能面面俱到,以期將投資風險降至最低、投資效益達到最高。 阿姆斯特丹管理顧問(股)公司目前在台北、台中、高雄、上海、天津及蘇州設有辦公室。對客戶、專業會計師及律師提供有關境外公司、境外基金公司、境外基金會及境外信託之設立諮詢、秘書服務及相關之顧問服務;台商海外投資及中國之投資相關顧問服務;外資、陸資來台投資之顧問服務。 本公司同時是 Kreston International 國際性會計及顧問專業聯盟組織。KI 成立於1971 年,目前居會計師聯盟世界排名第15,截至2009 年止計有94 個國家700 個成7員所,每一個聯盟所會員均為獨立會計師事務所與專業顧問公司,建立如此龐大完備Kreston 聯盟的主要目的,是為了要促成跨國公司得以在國外轉投資地,有值得信賴的會計、法律及專業顧問服務,以確保任何一個國家客戶的跨國相關業務,符合當地知識,清楚了解即時商業法令、海關、情勢及其年度會計執行,都能獲得滿意的專業服務,跨國任務指派工作會由Kreston 統合處理,將投資國的客戶事務,委派給客戶商務進行國的專業會計師、律師及專業顧問執行,形成一個服務陣容堅強的國際性組織。 目前我們代理 ATC Group 集團旗下所有的產品,ATC Group 為1893 年於荷蘭註冊成立的信託公司,提供信託、基金管理、船籍登記、及各境外地區基金會及公司之設立及管理服務,在Aruba、Bahamas、Cayman Islands、Curacao、Cyprus、Germany、Hong Kong、Ireland、Netherlands、Luxembourg、New Zealand、Guernsey、Spain、Switzerland、Singapore、United Kingdom 等國設有辦公室,及代理其他國家計有British Virgin Islands、Seychelles 及Delaware(USA)、St Vincent、Samoa、Mauritius、Anguilla、Belize、Brunei、Nevada(USA)、Labuan、St. Kitts、Panama 提供公司設立、秘書服務及相關之法律諮詢業務。 本公司一直以國際人自許,全體顧問完全能了解其全球客戶的個別需求,且有能力為各個客戶提供創新且 有效的管理方式及解決方案,我們的宗旨是以全球合作夥伴所具備的各項專業知識,為我們的客戶提供最直接、全面且專業的團隊服務,為一家在國際租稅及境外公司領域諮詢之專業國際性管理顧問公司。
Established in 1993, Jetronic Technology Limited is one of the fastest growing electronic devices distributor in Hong Kong and China. Our mission is to provide quality and value-added service to our customers and to become our customers’ first priority supplier. In order to meet the fast growing business in China, with headquartered in Hong Kong, Jetronic has set up sales offices in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen, Chengdu, and QingDao. With our staff commitment to provide the best service, we have no doubt to become one of the leaders in China in the foreseeable future. Sharing China’s vision , we will continue to expand our operations throughout Asia.
About CLSA CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets is Asia’s leading, independent brokerage and investment group. The company provides equity broking, capital markets, merger and acquisition, and asset management services to global corporate and institutional clients. Renowned for our product innovation and award-winning market intelligence, CLSA has built a reputation for unrivalled equity research and economic analysis, which are consistently voted as the best in Asia. More on awards Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Hong Kong, CLSA has more than 1,500 dedicated professionals located in 15 Asian cities, plus London, New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. CLSA’s major shareholder is France’s Credit Agricole, which merged in 2003 with Credit Lyonnais. CLSA enjoys substantial staff ownership, which contributes to its independent stance and operations. As an independent sub group of Credit Agricole, CLSA provides brokerage and execution services for Asian equities to the bank’s global clients.
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